Oscar Wilde once said that the secret to remaining young is to have an inordinate amount of passion for pleasure, while others claim that music – old songs in particular – are memories that can take you back instantly to a place where you’ll be forever be invigorated. Fact is, you can literally choose-from - and live-by – a multitude of longstanding adages about the power of music, but why not experience it for yourself?

Luckily enough, two of the biggest female pop music icons and worldwide musical chart-toppers from the 80s are headed over to Philippine shores this third quarter of 2018 to kick-start both the memories and the good times; that’s right – TIFFANY and DEBBIE GIBSON are bringing the party to YOU - and we know you and the entire gang of young-at-heart aficionados are going to get a kick out of this “electrified” and “so beautiful” stroll down memory lane.

Happening on September 15th at the famed SM Mall of Asia Arena, you can bet that this is a show for the entire family and for ALL ages of people who take having fun very seriously, as the sing-alongs from the Filipino audience are expected to be MASSIVE, since there are literally so many hits to choose from: from Debbie Gibson’s smash power ballads (“Lost In Your Eyes,” “Sure,” “No More Rhyme,” “Foolish Beat” “Only In My Dreams”) and dance-infused anthems (like “Electric Youth,” “Shake Your Love,” “Anything Is Possible” and “We Could Be Together…”), to Tiffany’s characteristically pensive and oft-time heartbreaking love songs like “All This Time,” “If Love Is Blind,” “Hearts Never Lie,” “It’s The Lover” and retro-tastic pop radio singles like “I Think We’re Alone Now” and “Radio Romance.”
It’s the perfect match, as both Gibson and Tiffany – despite coming from the same era of radio-friendly anthems and despite the rumored rivalry from years ago – are finally teaming-up for their legion of loyal Pinoy music fans, and are respectively bringing their A-game of musical style and swagger. After all, it is THE musical spectacle that took over three decades in the making!
Produced and presented by Random Minds (one of the country’s premier concert and events companies that have – through the years – brought-in the biggest international artists…), Debbie Gibson and Tiffany: Live in Manila is definitely the hottest ticket in town for mature music fans who will forever be young-at-heart and still know how to have a good time, and the perfect opportunity to show the kids how it was done back in the day: after all – whoever says adults can no longer “party like it’s 1989” is about to be proven wrong in a major way! If you’re that cool parent, or Tito/Tita, who always buys tickets for your kids to shows, this time – it’s YOUR time!